I know the Taka skin is the one many players are waiting for so I’m going to dedicate a post to it.
The skin hasn’t really been revealed, we only got a glimpse of the concept art (not final splash art) at the end of the 1.6 update stream.
On the stream (click to open the VoD), Zekent only revealed the concept art in segments, not showing the full Taka at once, so I had to take several screenshots and puzzle them together and voilá the full size concept art for the new Taka skin:

Now a bit about what Chainsaw, the art director at SEMC, said about Taka and the new skin. Taka was, according to Chainsaw, a community hero. He has been created because the community has been asking for a ninja so badly and so the idea of a half fox ninja came to mind and Taka was born.
The idea behind this new white Taka skin is to make him a good ninja, with his white outfit and the switch blade katanas.
The fox cub backpack adds a bit of cuteness to the new Taka compared to the original cocky Taka in my opinion.
I’m not the Taka player myself, but I have played him a bit lately on my smurf account (yaaayy! now I can try him in Casual mode) and at first I was just a big noob with him, but after a while I started to get better and enjoy him. I’m not sure if I’ll be any good in Hotness tier, but with a good Fortress alongside, I might do well. I’m definitely curios about how he will look like in game.
Enjoy and see you on facebook and forums and after the vacation on the stream.