I know the Taka skin is the one many players are waiting for so I’m going to dedicate a post to it.
The skin hasn’t really been revealed, we only got a glimpse of the concept art (not final splash art) at the end of the 1.6 update stream.
On the stream (click to open the VoD), Zekent only revealed the concept art in segments, not showing the full Taka at once, so I had to take several screenshots and puzzle them together and voilá the full size concept art for the new Taka skin:
Taka skin concept art
Now a bit about what Chainsaw, the art director at SEMC, said about Taka and the new skin. Taka was, according to Chainsaw, a community hero. He has been created because the community has been asking for a ninja so badly and so the idea of a half fox ninja came to mind and Taka was born.
The idea behind this new white Taka skin is to make him a good ninja, with his white outfit and the switch blade katanas.
The fox cub backpack adds a bit of cuteness to the new Taka compared to the original cocky Taka in my opinion.
I’m not the Taka player myself, but I have played him a bit lately on my smurf account (yaaayy! now I can try him in Casual mode) and at first I was just a big noob with him, but after a while I started to get better and enjoy him. I’m not sure if I’ll be any good in Hotness tier, but with a good Fortress alongside, I might do well. I’m definitely curios about how he will look like in game.
Enjoy and see you on facebook and forums and after the vacation on the stream.
It has been announced by the devs that the 1.6 will be available will all the features already today. The official forum post can be found here: forums.vainglorygame.com
New in this update will be:
New Hero Rona
The new melee warrior hero Rona. More here Rona. I’m excited about the new hero. I havent had time to grow tired of Fortress (since I haven’t had time to play / stream a lot lately), and here comes a new cool hero.
The hero will be as with the last 2 heros available with ICE the first week and with Glory or ICE after the first week.
Casual and Ranked game modes
I’m warmly welcoming this new feature. I wanted many times to have the ability to just play some matches without worrying about the Skill tier. On the other hand I wanted to be sure that when I am ready to play in order to improve my skill tier, the rest of my team also has the same goal.
With 1.6 the skill tier system will became more transparent telling you exactly how far you are from next tier or if you are near to fall to the previous tier.
Get cards
The “Get cards” section in the market will now be made available and it is supposed that cards will be purchasable with glory. I believe no one has been able to unlock a tier 2 skin so far mostly because the cards’ drop rate is too low compared to how many are necessary to unlock a skin.
Apart from these changes there will surely be a lot of balance changes on heroes and items too that will be announced on the official downtime stream.
This post has been updated in real time as the Vainglory official stream was revealing the news in 1.5
Note! Some things may be wrong or misinterpreted as I was writing while watching the stream.
Wolf hero – Fortress
Fortress gameplay
Perk – Runs faster when near allies.
Truth of the Tooth – Mark the target. Attacks became short-range lunge. Team mates can run towards the target.
Fortress’ Truth of the Tooth (click to enlarge)
Law of the Claw – Damages with crystal power and makes the enemy bleed. Bleeding heroes will take extra crystal damage over time and will give life steal to the attacker. It is also possible to apply stacks of bleeding with basic attacks from any allied hero, minions, wolfs from the pack or Fortress. After 5 number of stacks the target will get extra damage, will be slowed and will be inflicted with a mortal wound meaning that the target will get less healing and less hp barrier.
Fortress’ Law of the Claw (click to enlarge)
Attack of the Pack – Fortress gets extra health and attack speed and also summons pack wolfs that will chase and attack the enemy heroes. Each wolf will chase a different hero, even though they are not visible and apply bleeding upon attacking. The wolfs will die after 3 hits, regardless the damage.
The pack wolf will track Taka but will not be able to attack Taka until he becomes visible.
Fortress’ Attack of the Pack (click to enlarge)
Bots are added in 1.5. The bots are very basic and don’t have a high AI and are meant mainly for really new players, the ones that have never played a moba before.
Also the new players will have to level up before playing in solo q.
Minion mines changes
The minion mines can now genuinely be used to push the turrets. Minions buffed by minion mines now deal way increased damage to Turrets and Turrets alone, no change to damage to other minions or heroes. The buffed minions will still be worth more gold.
The minions are upgraded instantly when the minion mines are taken and not over time like before.
Hero balances
Removed piercing and reduced damage of Skaarf’s perk Fan the flames. It now has crystal ratio instead.
Spitfire got nerfed and is more of a skill shot and riskier.
Goup got buffed with increased crystal ratio.
Ulti got nerfed a bit with reduce damage
As Captain Neato said: “The goal wasn’t to make tank Skaarf not viable, the goal was to make sure tank Skaarf wasn’t the carry.”
Crystal ratio for the bounce reduced.
The bounce distance decreased.
Resonance doesn’t bounce off Kraken.
Attack speed increased.
Reduced piercing of Thunder strike
Cool down will be reduced with levels
Crystal rate increased for Roadie Run
Ulti will be considered a basic attack so it will be able to crit.
The crystal rates have increased for the Mad Cannon
Does less damage to minions.
Base armor reduce. Too tanky in early game.
Item changes
Brokenmyth – No more shield piercing but amplifies the crystal power.
Scout traps – Timer changed from 1.2 to 1.3 seconds
Boots –Tier 1 less movement speed
Tier 2 increased movement speed and health
2 new items
Minion’s foot – will start the crits build instead of the Swift Shooter
Contraption – Combination of flares and scout traps. Gives you cool down acceleration and charges over time with flares / scout traps.
Warhorn changed – It builds from Oak and Dragon heart instead of the Hourglass and Chronograph. The utility has also changed but it is not revealed yet.
Ironguard Contract – grants 50% gold bonus for the jungle minions instead of the 30% now. It still grants 30% bonus for the lane minions.
Skins and Cards
Tier 2 skins and Epic cards are out.
Shogun Ringo Skin Tier 2
The Tier 2 Shogun Ringo and Kandi Twirl Koshka have been revealed in game.
A new Skaarf skin has been announced (leaked) but it will not make it into the 1.5 update.
Infinity Skaarf skin reveal
Bug fixes
Crit on SAW
Fan the flames. Extra tick of damage removed.
Spitfire was applying 2 stacks cosmetically. Removed.
Gold times fixed.
New app for iPhone
Last but not least. The iPhone users will be downloading a new app instead of updating the old one. This is because before there were different apps for the iPhone and the iPad. There is only one app to rule them all now. So the old iPhone app should be deleted and a new app will be installed.
A new setting for iOS. You can turn it on to hide the non activable items anymore and instead make the other item icons bigger.
I’m going to go and give the new update a test run!
First of all I have to say that it has been some time since I’ve posted. This is mostly because I have been busy with streaming, improving the stream but also the personal life has been getting in the way lately. To make things worse I even got a nasty cold this last weekend.
Killa-Joule 9000
But back to Vainglory. Some new skins have already been announced for the next update. The first one is Killa-Joule 9000 which personally I really love. I have now read the lore for Joule and also for new skin. I love how much time and effort has been invested in making all this so cool.
Here are some “stolen” splash art images with the new Joule skins (kudos to the artists @ vainglorygame.com)
Killa-Joule 9000 Tier 1
I think that the tier 2 skin looks even cooler with the red armored suit and the rockets. The only downside with the second one is the missing cleavage 😉
Killa-Joule 9000 Tier 2
Stormlord Ardan
Now Ardan is like Ringo, one of my mains. As with Shogun Ringo (which I also bought), for some reason I’m not really impressed with the skin. I don’t know, maybe because I like the heroes so much, I am expecting too much. Don’t get me wrong the skins are awesome looking and really cool, but I need a really interesting story behind it that I can relate to when playing using these skins. It kinda feels like both Ardan and Ringo get a bit ruined by their new “personalities”. Yes, I understand that these are parallel universe, “what if…” lores and that they could not ruin the main lore since they are not connected, but the nice, family caring Ardan, is now a Stormlord… I admit I am curios about the lore for this one, but I still need to get used to the idea. On the other hand, this might be a good reason to fight an enemy Ardan.
This can be summed up like: Hated by many, loved by me. Here is why I love this skin:
I’m a fan of metal. Not the biggest fan like I don’t listen to anything else, but I enjoy the music
I like puns and smart word games. Krul is .. dead hence death metal.
The guitar instead of the sword is awesome! Especially when he swings it.
The Tier 2 is even more awesome epic coolness!
Death Metal Krul Tier 2
I can’t wait for this Krul skin.
I haven’t written about ESL and the new wolf hero yet, but I will.
Short about the ESL –> It started way to quickly after the announcement and got me by surprise and since I kinda missed the start, I decided to let it run for some editions and give my opinions about it after that.
While watching the update Vainglory stream I’ve picked up some of the things that were updated and that were missed on the official patch notes posted below.
Vainglory is now available on iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c
On iOS the game will adapt the resolution to the device’s performance in order to reduce lags and frame drops. This can be turned off in settings (at the moment it seems that there are no setting in the settings menu. Not even the old ones for language, screen zoom, volume and so on)
For me this is a huge improvement and I believe this will make the game so much better especially for those who are playing on a bit older devices. I play and stream with my iPad 4 and this will hopefully be a huge improvement on the quality of the game.
Balance changes and bug fixes
Vox will not proc twice for Tension Bow and Aftershock any more while using Sonic Zoom
Vox’s ulti, Wait for it, is now slower so dodgeable. And does less crystal damage
Aftershock has been nerfed a bit.. I didn’t really got in which way.
Reflex block is now not spammable any more. It will take more skill to use effectively.
Eve of harvest has been nerfed a bit. A bit more Crystal power added but the life steal has been reduced 25%-20%.
Flares are working differently. They are not global any more. Now the flares will have to be placed on the map and will reveal a small bit of the area.
Joule has been buffed and is now hopefully going to be more present in the game. The hero portrait in hero selection screen has been changed and I personally like it more.
Skaarf has also been buffed a bit. He’s Spitfire will now not hit lane minions, but will go through them damaging them.
Krul has been indirectly nerfed by changing how the weapon ratio works now.
Frostburn has been buffed a bit by increasing the Crystal Power.
It is now possible to see the skill tiers of your friends before inviting them to a party and also in private chat. The information will show the skill tier number, the name and the color (Brown for Bronze, White/Light grey for Silver and Yellow/Golden for Gold). This will be very helpful when doing private matches and trying to make the teams even especially on the stream when playing with viewers. Also it will allow you to party with people with similar skill tier when going for pubs with people you might not know that well.
Tier 2 skins revealed for Petal, Ringo and SAW, Adagio and Glaive.
Feel free to check out the official patch notes and discover for yourself in the game all the other changes from the huge update!
Enjoy the game!
The official 1.4.0 patch notes
From the App store:
Hero Skins System Unveiled!
– Every hero skin theme contains three tiers. Each tier has different art and a different in-game model!
– Unlock Tier 1 hero skins using ICE in the Market or by “weaving” cards into skins.
– Cards of varying rarity will sometimes be awarded in post-match Spoils of War.
– Collect cards and trade them in for skins when you meet the requirements!
– Tier 2 & 3 skins and their required cards will be included in a future update.
– Tier 2 & 3 skins must be earned (cannot be unlocked directly with ICE).