UPDATE: The SEMC team will stream (twitch.tv/vainglory) from 10 AM PDT –> 7pm CET (Check your time zone here) about the upcoming update. More on the Vainglory forums.
The next Vainglory update is due today (5th of May 2015). Let’s see what the devs have announce for this coming release.
Skin system
According to the announcements there will not be any hero released with this update but instead the long waited skin system will be made available.
There have been a lot of hero skins reveals lately and I believe all of the look awesome. There are some earlier posts about most of the skins.
There hasn’t been any reveals about how the skin system will work and/or how the skins will be purchased so I’m really looking forward to seeing how I can get those lovely looking skins.
Shogun Ringo

I haven’t had the chance to write about the Ringo skin yet so here it is. Continue reading Vainglory update 1.4.0 skins and more