It seems we are getting closer and closer to getting hero skins in Vainglory.
We have seen Dark Adagio and Cyborg SAW in past Vainglory streams but lately the devs have started officially revealing some more skins.
This Friday on the official stream the Vainglory Devs have revealed some more skins and also confirmed that the skins will be available in the next update.
Kandi Twirl Koshka
The official Splash art for Kandi Twirl Koshka:

Dark Parade Adagio

As mentioned before we have seen Dark Parade Adagio before in previous streams, but this time the skin is officially revealed together with the splash art.

Bug Petal
Last week we have seen the Bug Petal skin with Bee munions.

Read more about Bug Petal.
I personally really like the skins, but I can’t say that I’m getting as hyped as most of the fans do. They sure look really nice though and the art work and ideas are great.
Read more about the skins on