I have been bad at posting here
lately and I’m sorry. I have had a lot of stuff going on, work, family and of course I always chose to play a game or two instead of writing here.
I’ll try to get back at posting new, fun and interesting stuff here.
Vainglory Recap

Let’s see… It has happened a lot since last post. Last time I was breaking the news about a Taka skin being released in 1.7. Well Vainglory is now at 1.12 and we have a Taka skin tier 2 and a lot more others including the long awaited Celeste skin.
We’ve got new heroes: Rona, Skye, Phinn, Blackfeather and the latest one Kestrel the archer.
We’ve got a hole lot more skins, seasonal skins, seasonal map, guilds and teams.
Vainglory had its one year anniversary with a week of double glory, one day with scheduled card drops and more.
We have also been through some rough times with unstable update 1.11 and some other periods with high lags and server instability.
Now we have better game UI, we are able to interact with friends while they are in game, we have guild rewards and better game stability.
For me, I have focused more and more on playing support, mainly Ardan. I also like Fortress and still learning Cath. I am not any good with Ringo anymore and I instead move towards Skaarf and Celeste when it comes to damage dealers. I have also decided to learn at least one jungler so I kind of am able to play Glaive.
I’ve also left my old guild OaK which also disbanded for a moment and now it’s not very active anymore and created [CMY] Chaotic Myth together with some friends I met online, FridgeMan and GabrielK.
Streaming break
After the summer break I went back to playing Vainglory and streaming, this time with a fixed schedule. I used to stream Tuesdays and Thursdays from around 20:00 CET to around 23:00 or even 24:00 depending on the activity on the stream.
After some months I noted lower and lower interest in my stream from the viewers and also I didn’t find streaming to be as much fun anymore since it had became more of a chore than a fun time. I just wanted to play with my guild and team so I decided to only stream on special occasions or other events.
I went to Dreamhack Winter 2015 in Jönköping, Sweden. Dreamhack is the larges LAN party and computer (games) festival in the world. You can go there with your computer and have a table spot with power and network connection that you use for 3 days or you can just visit it as a festival with a daily pass and no computer.
I went of course with my computer and wanted to play a lot of games including Vainglory and of course to stream. I wanted of course to check out the latest in gaming and eports events as well :-).
The wired network connection was very good with high speed, low ping and stable, the wifi was unfortunately very poor and I could only check main, facebook and such on my phone and tablet. This meant I couldn’t play and stream so much Vainglory with the poor Wifi. So I played and streamed other games instead. I went back to try Heroes of the Storm, a moba game developed by Blizzard with heroes from the Blizzard universe (Diablo, Warcraft, Starcraft) (get it.. heroes of the storm, Blizzard, storm 🙂 I see what you did there Blizzard). At the beginning I was really willing to play VG instead but after a while I started to get into it and it was pretty fun. Here is a video of the gameplay:
I also tried Rocket League, a football game with cars. Yes that’s right you play football (soccer) but instead of players you “kick” the ball with a car (the ball is larger than the car). I found the game very fun but a bit hard in the beginning. Here is a video of a Rocket League match:
I tried some other games too, like a match of Dota2 some Hearthstone, but the ones I mentioned above are the ones I played the most.
I have to admit, after Dreamhack I’ve got the taste for computer games back so now I’ve bought an Xbox controller for PC and I’ll start playing some more computer games. One game I think is really cool and addicting is Spintires. The game is about driving trucks through very rough roads and terrain. It might not look like much, driving logs around, but it’s really fun to play especially if you like simulators of this kind. Here is a part of a game I played (with some quick introduction that you can skip if you want):
Asus Strix DSP
Asus Strix DSP
Also at Dreamhack I’ve got a really awesome headset that was given to me by ASUS, an Asus Strix DSP. I will write a full description/review of it soon. Meanwhile you can watch a video review and unboxing on my youtube channel, youtube.com/ahotiK.
As you noticed, after the summer I haven’t really posted a lot of new videos on Youtube, but now when I’m not streaming so much anymore I’ve decided to make some more videos for youtube instead. It’s easier to work with a youtube video as I can do it whenever I like so I can more easily combine it with the other stuff I have going on (mostly family and work :)).
I will soon post some Vainglory videos as well and
I intend to do something more fun and not just full matches.
My intentions are to post some more gameplay form other games than Vainglory as well, like Rocket League, Spintires, Heroes of the Storm, Hotline Miami and more.
I might also start streaming on youtube gaming as well (gaming.youtube.com/ahotiK) . The streaming youtube channel is the same as the regular youtube channel so make sure you subscribe to keep in touch.
I also am active on Facebook and Twitter(@ahotiKGames).
See ya!